Food from a small corner of south-east London

Sunday, March 12, 2006

A way with courgettes

I read an article in the April edition of Kitchen Garden magazine on growing courgettes. I quite like courgettes, but Christine isn't so keen. She finds them slightly bitter in some dishes, so I'm always trying to find new recipes. There is a book out at the moment called What Will I Do With All Those Courgettes? (can't believe I just looked up a book on courgettes on Amazon - how sad is that?) that has about 125 recipes for them. Anyway, until I grow my Gold Rush courgettes in the garden this year, I am trying to find new ways with the heaps of them I get in my veg box every week. Kitchen Garden has a recipe from Nigel Slater that I'm going to try tonight. Basically, you just slice the courgettes lengthways and grill on each side so you have those lovely lines on each side. For the dressing, you grate the zest of a lemon and then mix it in with the lemon juice, olive oil and basil. Dip the grilled courgettes in the dressing and then set aside for ten mins so that the dressing soaks in. I'm going to have this with some grilled fish (coley I think) and maybe a bit of couscous, pepper and tomato.

Will report back on the results.


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